Market Research

Whether traditional, good-old fashioned telephone dialing, text-to-web (ttw) or targeted emails, we delve into what your customers think.

Political Research

In a General or Mid-term election, the issues at stake are paramount. We are attuned to current events and ensure we keep our eyes open across the airwaves. We get that data into your hands. Fast.

Social Polling

More than a data collection agency, we strive to be experts on the universe we are studying.

Braun Research Has The Expertise

Paul Braun boasts 40 years of experience in Market Research and Data Collection. He has surrounded himself with a skilled and talented staff, with dozens of years of combined experience. Each staff member will be working hard to make your project a success. Braun Research is your partner and will not simply field your study, rather will ensure the survey data is accurate, representative and is unquestioned in quality.

Paul Braun President
Paul A. Braun – President
Try Us … Meet Us in the Middle

The Braun Research Difference


Braun Research has successfully completed over 12,000 survey projects over the years. Clients from all over the globe has trusted Braun Research with millions upon millions of survey interviews.


Braun Research has been in business since 1995. We’re well established and we have conducted surveys on any topic you can think of.


Years of combined experience of our Senior Staff. We are more than a collection of data collectors – we consult, advise, execute, and consult again. What we do stands up to public scrutiny.


Commitment to making your project a success. We are the connective thread between your client’s target market – their thoughts and dreams – and the strategic paths your clients take.

5.2 Million+

Respondents have completed our surveys over the years. Since we started tracking. Everyone from consumers taking market surveys to C-Suite executives, politicians, you name it.


Companies have trusted Braun Research over the year to collect data. From start-ups, sole proprietors to major corporations. We value the relationships we’ve established.


Countries, Cities and Languages. We can deliver a survey in multiple languages at the same time and reach anyone on the globe.


Standard of Quality. Perfect. We ensure accuracy at all points from beginning to end. Data collected is used to make high-level decisions, inform people at the highest level of government, and provide insight to consumer needs. It has to be right!


Whether traditional, good-old fashioned telephone dialing, text-to-web (ttw) or targeted emails we provide a number of services at your disposal to execute your project. Braun Research employs a number of strategies to reach your audience.

Telephone Research

This can be traditional landline, cell phone or text to web. Any, or all of the above can be used to reach your audience

Online Research

We partner with a number of online consumer panels to reach your target. We can present visually stimulating content or media on our online survey platform so you can gauge reactions.

Sample Design and Management

We can sample your audience and consult with you to be sure it’s representative. Take the guesswork away.

Data Processing

Straightforward banners and tables are provided, or we can provide raw data in a variety of the most popular formats. All dataset items are checked so you can stand behind the research.


We can program your survey to handle any complexity of logic. Our custom surveying platform can handle any type of survey, any number of questions, any number of cases, any amount of traffic.

Targeted Emails

We can email audiences directly with a link to your survey, getting results quickly and efficiently. We can reach out to your employee database and give your senior staff the insight they need.


Braun Research is fully-adherent to the techniques and standards developed by professional research organizations


American Association for Public Opinion Research

As an active member in AAPOR, Braun Research has attended and presented at multiple conferences and fully abides by AAPOR’s standards of practice and ethics.


The International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication

The Braun Research team continues to support AMEC and its founding principles that guide media and communication research in terms of best practices and quality assurance in execution, outcomes and insights.


The global membership association for market research and insights

Braun Research conducts international research aligned with procedures and collaborative insights from the 130 plus countries comprising the ESOMAR organization. We have had presence with published articles in ESOMAR’s Research World as well as at ESOMAR’s 70th Congress in its headquartered city, Amsterdam, in the Netherlands.